Access to the classified adverts is only available to current EOS magazine print or digital edition subscribers. You must also be a registered member of the forum.

Send an e-mail to
giving your first name, surname, UK postcode (or country if you are not in the UK) and forum username.

We need your name and postcode so that we can find your details in the EOS magazine database (if you live outside the UK and do not have a postcode, just give your country of residence). We need your forum username so that we can find your forum details.

Once both sets of details have been confirmed your forum registration will be upgraded to give you access to the classified advert service. You will receive a confirmation e-mail, usually within a couple of working days.

Once registered, your forum status will change from Member to Member*.

If you have any queries or feedback about the EOS magazine Classified Advert service please e-mail: