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EOS magazine forum


All you need to know about the EOS magazine forum.

Forums Topics Posts Last Post
New members
Take a few moments to introduce yourself to other forum members.
Topics: 383 Posts: 4,402
Last Post: New? Not really
383 4,402
Welcome to the EOS magazine forum.
Topics: 6 Posts: 27
Last Post: A wee bit more
6 27
How to post images to forum
Useful advice from members. Also see FAQs.
Topics: 103 Posts: 1,001
Last Post: Sparrow Hawk
103 1,001
Forum feedback
Feedback about the forum. This is the place to report any operational problems. Please give as much information as possible including web browser and operating system. Suggestions for improving the forum also welcome.
Topics: 322 Posts: 4,048
322 4,048
Events and exhibitions
Post details of photo events, exhibitions and camera club meetings. Also post information about forum get-togethers you would like to organise.
Topics: 211 Posts: 1,576
211 1,576
Monthly photography theme
Showcase your photographs. The best images will be considered for publication in EOS magazine.
Topics: 60 Posts: 1,173
60 1,173
Forum photo challenge
Photo challenges for forum members.
Topics: 327 Posts: 6,579
327 6,579
General photo discussions
This is the place to talk about anything photographic not covered by the categories below.
Topics: 2,628 Posts: 28,945
Last Post: Arrrrg!
2,628 28,945
GCSE photography
A place for students and teachers to discuss aspects of the GCSE syllabus and examinations
Topics: 7 Posts: 62
7 62
The New EOS Pub
A place to chat with friends about topics non-photographic. Please be aware that the landlord, although busy behind the bar, sees everything. Rowdy, intolerant or abusive customers will be ejected.
Topics: 1,015 Posts: 10,725
Last Post: My claim to fame.
1,015 10,725
Brian Sugden