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Challenge 206 - Mechanism

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    Challenge 206 - Mechanism

    This month’s challenge subject is “Mechanism”.

    As a chartered mechanical engineer, I was taught that a mechanism is "a device that transforms input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and movement". or in a more casual definition "a system of parts working together in a machine or a machine per se".

    The range of mechanisms goes from the minute wheels in a ladies watch to giant self-propelled coal digging machines, so you should have plenty of choice of items to photograph either in whole or in part.

    Judging will be based on:

    * fulfilling the brief.
    * a good photo based on composition, focus and consideration to the light.
    * having impact. Will I remember your image after I go away from the computer?

    Once the deadline closes, I will go away and review all images and select a top 3 (gold, silver and bronze) with a winner based on the criteria stated above.

    The usual rules apply:
    • One picture per person; images should conform to general image posting rules.
    • All entries to be shot with a Canon EOS camera i.e. SLR / DSLR / M / R series but can use any make of lens.
    • Posted images should be taken during the running period of the competition. Any images submitted that were taken before the competition started, or after the competition has ended, will be deemed invalid.
    • Images 800 pixels widest maximum (to help those with small monitors).
    • Points will be awarded towards the overall year award - Gold wins 50 points, Silver 40 points and Bronze 30 points and all other entries will be awarded 20 points. These points will be accumulated over the year and provide a leader board through the year.
    • No frames or borders.
    • Include a title; the image must convey the theme, and if you want a short description.
    • Please, NO comments on images - on this or another thread- until the round is over.
    • No canvassing e.g. “I’m thinking of posting this image for the challenge, what do you think?”
    • I will pick 1st, 2nd and 3rd favourite images (please don’t contact me to discuss my choices). I’m not a trained judge but will try and be fair in my judging.

    The closing date for the Challenge is midnight (GMT) on 2nd July 2024.​

    I stand by ready to be amazed!

    John Liddle

    Backwell, North Somerset - "Where the cider apples grow"

    Just a friendly bump
    John Liddle

    Backwell, North Somerset - "Where the cider apples grow"


      Horse powered mechanism


      Horse powered mechanism by Rose, on Flickr


        Flying Shuttle mechanism.

        Flying Shuttle by Chris Haigh, on Flickr



          13.75 by Steven McNeill, on Flickr

          We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns ;)


          EOS R, RF 24-105 L, 70D EF 18-55mm IS, EF 75-300mm, EF10-18mm IS STM & Nifty 50 STM.


            Mill Machinery

            Mill Machinery by Ian, on Flickr


            Flickr page


              334578 RPM Mechanism
              334578 by Stephen Thompson, on Flickr
              Last edited by powernapper; 17-06-2024, 14:00. Reason: Amended the title


                That's all folks - challenge closed - I'll put my thinking hat on and give judgement as soon as I can.
                John Liddle

                Backwell, North Somerset - "Where the cider apples grow"



                  Apologies for the slight delay in responding– other duties have to prevail.

                  Rose (Lavenderhill) – Horse powered mechanism
                  I guess this is one of the oldest mechanisms you could get! It makes you realise just how complicated team horse harness is. I suspect that a smaller aperture and greater subject distance might have allowed more of the elements of the harness to be in sharp focus. I personally would also have been tempted to clone out the bright blue sneaker.

                  Chris (Stackman) – Flying shuttle
                  Looks even better on Flickr. The range of materials, textures and colours in the various elements of the loom is great. I love the contrast between the parts which have either been polished or dirtied with long use. Although I spent my youth in Lymm (less than 20 miles from Quarry Bank Mill) I have never visited it – something I think I shall have to remedy when I am next in that part of the world.

                  Steve (Glezga) – 13.75
                  Excellent use of aperture and focal length to give limited DOF, helping to isolate the subject dial from the rest of the scene. Suits mono and I suspect has more impact than it would in colour.

                  Ian (Farider) – Mill machinery
                  An evocative image of times largely gone by. Lovely crisp detail, DOF and even exposure.

                  Stephen (Powernapper) – 334578 (I see what you did there!)
                  An excellent choice of subject – input motion giving the desired output motion! Good DOF to get all parts in sharp focus and the slightly non-overhead point of view allows the thickness of the wooden base to show, giving a sense of the depth of the overall item. Good even lighting.

                  An interesting range of images and my ranking is:-

                  Gold – Stackman (Flying shuttle)
                  Silver – Powernapper (334578)
                  Bronze – Farider (Mill machinery)

                  Thanks to all who entered and I would encourage everyone to enter the next Challenge, it's just for fun

                  I'd like to invite Chris as the winner this month to run the next Challenge.

                  John Liddle

                  Backwell, North Somerset - "Where the cider apples grow"


                    Thanks John for setting the challenge and comments. Well done to everyone who took part.

                    I will think of a theme and then set next months challenge, if everyone is okay with that.



                      Well done Chris and Stephen, and thanks to John for the Challenge, judging and the comments.

                      Look forward to your challenge Chris


                      Flickr page


                        Thanks to John for setting the challenge, and judging. Congrats to Chris and Ian. Looking forward to Chris's challenge.



                          Well done guys ;)

                          We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns ;)


                          EOS R, RF 24-105 L, 70D EF 18-55mm IS, EF 75-300mm, EF10-18mm IS STM & Nifty 50 STM.


                            Well done all


                              Thank you John for setting the challenge, it certainly made me think which is always to be thankful for.
                              congrats to everyone for the pics, especially Chris, Ian and Stephen.

