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Mackerel Sky at Night

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    Mackerel Sky at Night

    This was taken from our balcony in Thailand in the wee hours of Boxing Day and is posted more for interest than anything as it was such a lovely cloud cover racing past the moon for the best part of an hour.

    The clouds were moving quite fast so freezing the movement was tricky as I still needed enough light in the shot from the bright moon to expose some detail furthest from it. I still had to boost shadows and drop the blacks in LR4.

    Thanks to Ray for telling me the name of this particular type of cloud formation - I'd never heard of it before.

    5D3 with EF24-105 f4L IS, tripod mounted.
    35mm @ f4.5, 0.7 secs @ ISO 1600, Manual focus.
    Spot metering - I wondered later of evaluative might have been better

    BNE_8805.jpg by AndyMackie1, on Flickr

    Re: Mackerel Sky at Night

    Interesting shot Andy which would probably have done well in my camera club "abstract" theme this week

    Stan - LRPS, CPAGB, BPE2*


      Re: Mackerel Sky at Night

      Thanks Stan

      I've noticed it's a lot darker than the original when coming via Flickr and with dark vignetting which is not in the original either, so here's one with another 1/2 stop exposure and sharpened for screen viewing plus and, and this is a first for me, borders having followed advice from Scuff regarding the plug-in for LR4, mogrify:

      Not sure if I'm doing something wrong in exporting to jpeg with the borders but since adding the plugin, LR4 appears to ignore the 5Mb limitation I required and exported anyway to a 20Mb version.

      Personally, I much prefer this version and am now sold on the borders concept, even if it does ignore my export size limitations.

      BNE_8805 by AndyMackie1, on Flickr


        Re: Mackerel Sky at Night

        The camera works just fine, it's the idiot staring through the viewfinder that need's help!


          Mackerel Sky at Night

          Nicely spotted and taken:



            Re: Mackerel Sky at Night

            Thanks Tom & JaKS
            I like your by-line Jaks and for this shot, taken late at night after one too many and when I should really have been in bed, it couldn't have been more true!

