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Views of Leeds Castle

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    Views of Leeds Castle

    Yesterday was playtime with the 7D - so today was playtime with the 5DII and my new 24mm lens

    These are just test photos but comments are very welcome. These are only cropped to A size landscape

    5dII, 24mm, iso100, 1/100, f11

    5DII, 24mm, f13, iso100, 1/100

    5DII, 24mm, f13, iso 50, 1/60

    5DII, 24mm, f13, iso50, 1/80

    Re: Views of Leeds Castle

    Brian, The lens looks very sharp to me and very contrasty (if there is such a word) I think once you really get to grips with it you should get some stunning pictures. Don't go to Leeds Castle today as Canterbury Uni are taking 600 foreign students there in 12 coaches They have been told not to go to the castle all at the same time


      Re: Views of Leeds Castle

      Do like number three. I bet its a scene that doesn't catch the eye of many. For all.
      Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
      Di's Flickr


        Re: Views of Leeds Castle

        I am not known for being good when it comes to finding good spots for photos - #3 had the staff yelling at me that I shouldn't be there, but there was no sign saying I couldn't. That is when I play the 'Im just an old man after a good photo' card

        I will be at the BWC on Saturday so dont be surprised ......


          Re: Views of Leeds Castle

          spent a couple of days around there this year and definitely going back again. tremendously clear shots, lots of detail.

          EOS 1000D EFS18-55mm, EF 75-300mm, Kenko DG Extension Tubes

          Please bare with me on replies to your comments as my work commitments keep me away from here during the week.
          All of your comments and advice are gratefully received and appreciated though


            Re: Views of Leeds Castle

            Why can't I get pics like these?



              Re: Views of Leeds Castle

              Great shots Brian, very nice colour and contrast,

              Do the last 2 have a few dust spots in the sky? Most pronounced in #4, top left, and top middle right. Not quite the same place in each shot, but that could be dependant on where you cropped!

              #2 could be a postcard!

              Nice set, thanks for sharing. Mike.
              5D4 : 7D2 : 16-35 f4 L : 24-105 II L : 70-200 f2.8 L : 100-400 II L : Macro 100 f2.8 L : Manfrotto CX055 Pro3


                Re: Views of Leeds Castle

                Yes there are some dustspots

