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Wild Horses of Mallerstang

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    Wild Horses of Mallerstang

    On the way to Pendragon Castle in the Yorkshire Dales there is a mountain road which crosses over Mallerstang Common, occasionally you see a few wild horses on the hills, these horses were close to the road.

    WildHorsesDales by Judder Hopkins, on Flickr

    WildHorseDales by Judder Hopkins, on Flickr
    An Image in Time is a Stepping Stone to Eternity

    Re: Wild Horses of Mallerstang

    Like the colors and the composition of the 2nd image



      Re: Wild Horses of Mallerstang

      Agree with Tom, 2nd photo gets my vote, great colour and a real nice 'feeling' to it if you know what I mean.

      Take nothing but photo's - leave nothing but footprints!


        Re: Wild Horses of Mallerstang

        Number two for me with the contrast of the horse in the foreground and the background scenery with the shadows from the clouds.
        Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
        Di's Flickr


          Re: Wild Horses of Mallerstang

          Very good. 2nd for me too. I really like the look he's giving you.

          I take it the 2nd one is closer to you, rather than bigger than the other two?

          All the best, Mike.
          5D4 : 7D2 : 16-35 f4 L : 24-105 II L : 70-200 f2.8 L : 100-400 II L : Macro 100 f2.8 L : Manfrotto CX055 Pro3


            Re: Wild Horses of Mallerstang

            Really like both images, brings back fond memories of the UK.

            I like the second image best, but it is a close up of the left hand horse in the first image. Its still in the same position but taken from a different angle. Looking carefully you can see the same topography on the fell in the background.

            Great photos.

