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    Playing with image stacking using the free CombineZP software package. This picture comprises 10 individual frames stacked to ge the DOF over the flower head.

    This is about 95% of the frame, each image only gave a DOF of about 2-3mm, the end of the lens is ~350mm from the flower

    Exif was 50D, 100mm f2.8 ISL macro, ISO 100, f8, 1/125, marumi ringflash + 430EXII and natural light

    Re: Lavender

    Ian, pretty good I'd say.

    Do you use macro rails, as if you don't, I'd like to know how you maintain the right perspective with moving the camera!

    Nice one.

    All the best, Mike.
    5D4 : 7D2 : 16-35 f4 L : 24-105 II L : 70-200 f2.8 L : 100-400 II L : Macro 100 f2.8 L : Manfrotto CX055 Pro3


      Re: Lavender

      WOW. Do like how you've got the stem coming from the corner of the frame.
      Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
      Di's Flickr


        Re: Lavender

        Mike yes I have a set of Velbon macro rails but you can, if you are very careful, manually adjust the focus on the lens. This is how Brian S. manages the stacks using his Helicon software which can link directly to the Canon camera and it then automatically refocuses the lens for you after you have set the near and far focus points.

        Di thanks to get the diagonal was easy I simply held the flower head in a small clamp on the dining room table and adjusted the angle to what I wanted

