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New EOS M5

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    New EOS M5

    Tony N put out this video of Canon's new M5

    Looks to be much more expensive than the previous versions.


    Re: New EOS M5

    And only available with a lens, at least in the UK! At least there is a built in viewfinder this time, rather than an expensive add on.


      Re: New EOS M5

      Originally posted by Quentin View Post
      And only available with a lens, at least in the UK! Quentin
      Not according to the Canon UK Press Release. See:


        Re: New EOS M5

        Thanks Robert, I read your news sheet announcement after making my posting, which was based upon another 'news flash' from a commercial source. Should have known better!
        Nevertheless, that makes the M5 body only even more expensive! As an M series fan, who only bought my latest M3 less than a year ago, I doubt I will be rushing to upgrade to the M5 at the quoted price!!! I can only hope it will come down in due course, like most other EOS models.


          Re: New EOS M5

          Canon certainly managed to keep this one quiet...

          In a way it seems to be a sort of 80D but without the mirror... Price puts it on a par with the Panny GH4 but I'm not convinced that the spec is quite on the same level.

          Good to see sighs that Canon are finally taking the CSC market seriously.

          You may know me from Another Place....

          The new ElSid Photogallery...

          Equipment: Far too much to list - including lots of Nikon...


            Re: New EOS M5

            I don't see it as a GH4 competitor, as the Panasonic is significantly larger and the 4k is a main feature, more GX80 or the new G8, plus the GH5 is apparently getting pre-announced on Monday, but unless it is a lot smaller I don't see that either.

            I find the M5 quite interesting, but IMHO Canon needs a bunch more good/fast EF-M primes and perhaps a faster zoom as well. I suspect the lack of 4k will just stop me getting one and the GH4 might turn into a GH5 when it arrives next year. Of course this is partly as the pixel density of the 5Dsr means I don't need an APS body to get extra reach with long lenses. However the M5 does apparently have focus peaking, so could work well with MF lenses, like the Laowa 105mm f/2 Smooth Trans Focus Lens, which I think is great but I found nailing focus at f2 on a DSLR is too tricky to make it generally usable.

            Oh and an interesting point, Thom Hogan, the very well-known Nikon commentator, has added some Canon coverage to his site, so for example:

            Plus Canon already sell more mirrorless cameras than Panasonic:


              Re: New EOS M5

              Looking at (one of) the Canon videos for the M5, I am pleased to see that they have addressed my major gripe with the M3.

              On the M5 you can specify a pretty small focus area for the camera to use - much better for wildlife etc.

              However, having not long since bought my M3, I cannot justify a new camera - boo, hiss! If I had known the M5 was coming, I would have waited!
              John Liddle

              Backwell, North Somerset - "Where the cider apples grow"


                Re: New EOS M5

                Some genuine, objective questions for those who have practical experience:

                Can the Mx cameras deliver high-quality results?
                Are there situations where an Mx might be a better choice than a DSLR?
                Is the battery life usable?


                  Re: New EOS M5

                  I can only speak on the M and M3. Neither camera is a sports/birding camera. The AF is just not that fast. What theses cameras are good for is Landscape, Still, Travel and Street Photography.

                  When I walk out the door, the camera that I take the most is the M3 and with the 70-200 and the 18-55 STM lenses it makes and ideal camera to travel with. The Battery I found is as good as the 7DMKII and 5DMKIII.

                  The M3 has wifi, and I find that much better to use getting images to my phone, than the EYEFI cards.



                    Re: New EOS M5

                    Originally posted by Enigma View Post
                    Some genuine, objective questions for those who have practical experience:

                    Can the Mx cameras deliver high-quality results?
                    Are there situations where an Mx might be a better choice than a DSLR?
                    Is the battery life usable?
                    1. Yes, for the right subjects, see 'tesarver' comments.
                    2. Yes, especially for travel, with the same constraints as 1 above.
                    3. Yes, I have not had a problem with battery life, but I always carry a spare for any camera I am using.
                    My experience is with both M and M3.
                    Hope this helps.


                      Re: New EOS M5

                      For my 'travel' photography where compactness is king I use a now creaking G10 but have been seriously researching a replacement for some time although what - especially with a desire to remain with Canon (for who I've been a loyal devotee for over thirty years) - has been problematical. I know we have happy EOS-M3 devotees here but the reviews I've read suggest than there are better alternatives (and by some margin) meaning my hard earned lays safely tucked beneath the mattress.

                      To add to the complexity of my deliberations is that for 'proper' photography my gurt great DSLR 7D plus a plethora of lenses has limitations and I fully intend to replace it in the very near future and the number of Green Shield Stamps I've amassed of late mean that I could afford both a 5D3 (now the 5D4 has depressed the price) and a EOS-M3.

                      So, returning from a few days away, imagine my surprise and joy to read that Canon have released the M5 as that would, surely, be a worthy companion purchase to my new DSLR. What's that Skippy? Tony Northrup has a YouTube review of it? Better watch that!

                      Hang on, has Tony just said: "The body alone is a thousand dollars and that's a really high price point"?
                      And has Wex has just e-mailed me to say it's £1,049 for the body?

                      Even without the scandalous 'rip off Britain' exchange rates we have to endure that's an awful lot of Green Shield Stamps to part with

                      What appears to be happening is that Canon have woken up, smelled the toast, and realised that Mirrorless is a technological bandwagon all their competitors have tickets for so worth a few yen from their R&R budget to join in. But, irrespective of the technical virtues of the M5, has their dithering given us too great a retail-price step? Well, for me in my current circumstances, a 5D3 and M3 at IRO 2 grand was doable. A 5D3 and over a grands worth of M5? Not a chance so, as I never really fancied a M3 anyway, I'm still looking outside the 'family'



                        Re: New EOS M5

                        John, don't know if your local camera shop would let you rent a M3, but if it does, I would recommend you try that. Today, with the adapter, I took the M3 along with the 5DMKIII to a festival. The EOS M3 had the EF-S 10-18mm attached to it. It is a very capable camera I'm sure you would find would be a valuable peace of gear, IMO


