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G Series Appreciation Society

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    G Series Appreciation Society

    From time to time on these esteemed pages I read about people wanting a lightweight and stealthy EOS, especially users of the heavier semi-pro and pro bodies.

    Well I’m not alone in using a G series, in my case the G10. This is an all metal bodied camera which is surprisingly capable. If I’ve a gripe it is noise when turned up above ISO400 but other than that it’s a damn good camera. More recent G’s have better noise control (by virtue of less pixels) and tilt and shift screen. The G9 and beyond have RAW (as I believe do some earlier versions).

    So if a G Series has never come onto your RADAR then take a look. It’s anything but a mickey mouse camera.

    Re: G Series Appreciation Society

    I also have a G10, an impulse buy immediately before a big holiday in the USA in 2009, thought the EOS might be too big to use all the time, turned out to be all I used on the holiday - very good results - but not as good as the EOS for noise.
    Brian Vickers LRPS


      Re: G Series Appreciation Society

      Collette and I have the G10 and G11, both superb cameras and great if you want something small (compared to a DSLR), light weight and want to blend in with other people. One of the plus points for me is the ability to shot RAW.


        Re: G Series Appreciation Society

        At the risk of being tied to a post and shot at dawn, there are other worthy cameras at that price point that can't be ignored.

        Shutter lag and meaniful control of DOF is the downside, with portablity and the ability to snap relatively unoticed being the major upsides :-)



          Re: G Series Appreciation Society

          Originally posted by Trevoreast View Post
          At the risk of being tied to a post and shot at dawn, there are other worthy cameras at that price point that can't be ignored.
          Post away then Trev but make sure it's at least a Canon.


            Re: G Series Appreciation Society

            Panasonic make a credible competitor, the LX5, ( Noink might produce one).

            But Trev we live in democracy (for now) so no tying to a post.

            I've no complaint about shutter lag (in the context of pro grade pocket cameras) with the G series I've handled.


              Re: G Series Appreciation Society

              When buying a P+S camera I wouldn’t restrict myself exclusively to Canon Like I do with EOS SLR stuff.
              In the £400 to 500 range there are other worthy cameras, that people should at least look at.

              Should Robert or Andrew wish to clarify, or add rules about posting alternatives to Canon’s G range of point and shoot cameras I will of course be happy to abide by them.:tongue:

              But Trev we live in democracy (for now) so no tying to a post.
              LOL George, thanks for your light hearted intervention, sometimes it's easy to forget that photography is a fun and enjoyable activity most of the time.



                Re: G Series Appreciation Society

                Originally posted by Trevoreast View Post
                When buying a P+S camera I wouldn't restrict myself exclusively to Canon Like I do with EOS SLR stuff.
                True but then I wouldn't be looking on the EOS forum for recommendations on non Canon gear. Anyway I think you missed the point of the thread. It's an appreciation of the G series not a G series is better than other P&S.


                  Re: G Series Appreciation Society

                  Perhaps I have missed the point.
                  I fully understand that in the context of a “G series appreciation society” someone saying there are other worthy alternatives is not what ‘members’ of “G series appreciation society” want to hear.

                  Personally, I like how some posts spurn a variety of alternative viewpoints, and sometimes stray off the initial point.

                  Glenn, I will always consider to your suggestions and opinions with the same respect I afford to any other member. It’s not your role as a member to “thought police” my posts, we are all equal. If you want to enhance your status on the forum, try being helpful, maybe post some good images, share techniques and info.

                  It’s the EOS magazine forum and there is no P+S cameras in the EOS range.
                  We’re not restricted to the canon brand for lenses, flash guns, straps, camera supports. I would be a little restrictive to pretend that only canon point and shoot is best for everyone. Not saying they’re not good.

                  If this is an important issue (and I doubt it is), and non canon P+S cameras cannot be mentioned, best it’s clarified by those in authority.



                    Re: G Series Appreciation Society

                    Can we have a truce please before someone will be asking for this thread to be sticky and then the UN will get involved


                      Re: G Series Appreciation Society

                      I hear the sound of an F14 starting up to enforce the no-fly zone.....

                      oops it is going nowhere as it is stuck on a sticky stuck to the end of the runway....


                        Re: G Series Appreciation Society

                        I hear the sound of an F14 starting up to enforce the no-fly zone
                        LOL - I think there's only the Iran Air Force using F-14's these days. I'd be a tad worried if they were helping out


                          Re: G Series Appreciation Society

                          Thankfully the UN is already overstretched.

                          Surely there are no restrictions on this forum...its not the BBC, so why not mention other makes - if they are better so be it.
                          The important thing (if there is such a thing as important - pertinent thing maybe better) is that the posts have a Canon basis.
                          Brian Vickers LRPS



                            Re: G Series Appreciation Society

                            I've nothing against Noink and Nopanics myself. In fact if I was in the market for a P&S for Mrs Bear ... then I'd compare the LX5 with the G12 and whatever Coolpix is top dog.


                              Re: G Series Appreciation Society

                              I think at the very least we should have a "No Fly" zone.


