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Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

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    Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

    I've been going through a recent upgrade to my studio lights and invested in a new "all singing, all dancing" wireless trigger that will control all the light functions (and add a few others) from the camera - just one problem every time I release the shutter I get an ERR99 message and the camera locks.

    This is with both a PC cord and the hotshoe - now initially I thought it was a fault with the trigger as I have no issues with my basic trigger, but I dropped in on another photographer who has both a 10D and a 5D mkII. Works perfectly with his 5D but just gives the same ERR99 with the 10D like mine. The UK distributor is in discussion with the German manufacturer about the issue, but this is going slowly. Googling the problem seems to point toward perhaps a polarity issue, but I'm at a loss to understand why I've never experienced this issue with any other triggers or using a direct sync lead! So is there a difference between the way the hotshoe/PC socket on a 5D is configured to the 10D and what other XX or XD's might I suffer this problem with? I didn't really want to consider a new camera, but in reality the 10D is probably worth less than the Flash trigger (which I love the functionality of). Suppose I'd better make a reverse polarity sync lead to at least see if I can prove the issue with the 10D is one of polarity.

    Any views would be most welcome - especially on which camera's are perhaps immune to polarity issues (or not).

    " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems

    Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

    OK, so nothing to do with polarity as I've put together a re-wired lead, but still get ERR99 - didn't mount the trigger on the hotshoe of course, just using the lead.

    Last edited by Paulw; 26-06-2011, 22:27. Reason: typo
    " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems


      Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

      This is looking a very lonely thread Paul, I presume because like me, others don't know an answer.



        Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

        Originally posted by colin C View Post
        This is looking a very lonely thread Paul, I presume because like me, others don't know an answer.

        Looks like it - and based on the response from the manufacturer and UK distributor neither do they. So basically I've got a £12 Chinese radio trigger that works fine and a £159 German remote control/trigger that just sits in the box mocking me with its inability to work when connected to the 10D. TBH, I'm more concerned about what other Canon bodies it won't work with - so far the only one that's passed muster has been the 5D mkII.

        " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems


          Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

          I have in the back of my mind something about flash trigger voltages on older Canon Cameras, can anyone else help?



            Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

            Originally posted by Dan Glynhampton
            Not sure if I can help but I might be able to add a bit of information.

            You are right about differing trigger voltages Colin, I have the book "Mastering Canon EOS Flash Photography" by N K Guy and appendix C of that book contains tables of information on the various flash capabilities of all the Canon EOS cameras (or at least all of those that existed when the book was published). According to that table the 5D2's hotshoe and PC socket can withstand up to a 250V flash trigger, the 10D apparently cannot (it doesn't say what voltage it can withstand). If the wireless trigger is battery powered I'd have thought it unlikely that its trigger voltage is that high, but you mention using it with studio lights so if it's mains powered it might be using a high trigger voltage.

            So it's possible that ERR99 indicates that the trigger voltage is too high. Do you have access to a multimeter that would allow you to check the trigger voltage? If it's too high I believe you can get voltage limiting devices to fit between the camera and the trigger but I have no experience of using them.

            If anything I would expect it to be too low a voltage issue as the trigger only uses a pair of AA's so a max of 3volts - but more disturbing is perhaps the fact that I will get an ERR99 even with the trigger unit switched off. My wonderful Chinese trigger uses an A23 battery, so is at 12volts for the hotshue mounted transmitter - not considered to low a voltage could be a problem, until the above post!

            " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems


              Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

              Originally posted by Dan Glynhampton
              Well I guess too low a voltage can't be ruled out unless we can find some information on the minimum trigger voltage for the 10D, but I've drawn a blank there I'm afraid.

              The thing that seems odd is that you get the ERR99 with the trigger powered off. That suggests there may be a mechanical rather than (or as well as) an electrical issue. Does the 10D have a pop-up flash? If so (this is a stab in the dark!) I wonder if the hotshoe switch that stops the flash popping up when something is in the hotshoe isn't being correctly operated by the trigger, and that's causing the ERR99?

              Don't think it will have anything to do with the inbuilt pop-up flash as the camera is set in full manual mode and it makes no difference if the trigger is mounted in the hotshoe or just dangling to the side by the sync cable. Guess I'll just have to use it as a non-triggering remote control, until I get round to changing the camera!

              " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems


                Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

                Long shot here - some of these triiggers can't wake a sleeping flashgun - try turning off the sleep/energy saving mode or making it a long time before they go to sleep.



                  Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

                  Could you give the make and model of the trigger ?


                    Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

                    Originally posted by Trevoreast View Post
                    Long shot here - some of these triiggers can't wake a sleeping flashgun - try turning off the sleep/energy saving mode or making it a long time before they go to sleep.

                    Hi Trev

                    The flashes are my mains powered studio heads and the only energy saving mode is when running from the dedicated battery pack, where the modelling light is switched off after a period of non-use. Guess the next I could try (not that it will help resolve the issue) is to simulate some different trigger voltages to see if there is a lower limit - then again, my new flash heads are <=5volts and the older ones 9volts and I have no issue triggering them with a sync cord, so perhaps voltage is a red herring

                    " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems


                      Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

                      Originally posted by Trevoreast View Post
                      Could you give the make and model of the trigger ?
                      Multiblitz's rather poorly named (in my case) "Trigger Happy"

                      Last edited by Paulw; 01-07-2011, 14:59.
                      " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems


                        Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

                        Sorry Paul, you did say studio lights at the outset, I didn't read properly.



                          Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

                          Originally posted by Dan Glynhampton
                          Well Paul, I think I'm about out of ideas here, sorry.

                          A bit more information from my reference book, I can confirm that the PC socket on the 10D is polarity sensitive (later cameras ignore the polarity and work whichever way around the cable is wired), but since you've tried a polarity reversing lead that's not the problem.

                          If I've understood everything correctly just plugging the trigger into the PC socket, even with the trigger switched off, causes ERR99. It suggests a mechanical fault to me, perhaps in the camera's PC socket, but I'm at a bit of a loss I'm afraid.

                          Dan, thanks for giving some thought, but also the mechanical element seems unlikely as well - so far tried it on two 10D bodies and one 5DmkII all both 10D's give the ERR99. Wouldn't mind trying a 20/30/40/50/60D to see if I'm going to have the same problem in the future - I don't buy new bodies anymore and generally don't need or want any of those functions they seem jam packed with, probably the 40D would be as high up the Canon food-chain that I'd consider at the moment.

                          " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems


                            Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

                            Originally posted by Dan Glynhampton
                            Got to agree if you've tried two 10D bodies then a mechanical problem seems unlikely. Unless the trigger manufacturers can come up with an explanation borrowing an 20D or later camera to test it seems your best option now. Hope you get something sorted out so that you can use the trigger!

                            So any 20/30/40/50/60D users in/near Plymouth fancy popping in for a play?

                            " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems


                              Re: Hotshoe/PC sync and ERR99

                              Sent an email support request to Canon to see if they have an inkling of why I'm getting this problem and if they feel it will be evident on other particular models.

                              " can overcome any problem with enough time and money..." - trouble is I don't have the time or the money, just the problems

