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    I'm considering investing in an Eye-Fi WiFi SD card, as the whole switch-off the camera, open the door, eject the card, carry the card to the laptop, insert the card into the reader etc etc etc is just such an onerous process

    Does anyone have any experience of the little gadgets which they'd like to share?
    Steve's kit - Canon 6D/EG-D/BG-E13/60D/EF-D/BG-E9/600 EX-RT/17-40L/24-105L/40/100L/70-200L/70-300/2x iii/Sigma 8-16/Yongnuo YN-568EX (x2)/YN560EX II/YN622C-TX/YN622C (x4)

    Re: Eye-Fi

    Yes, what camera and WiFi set up do you have?


      Re: Eye-Fi

      I have a 60D (which I believe even has an Eye-Fi menu item!), plus an iPhone, plus the usual Home (and Work) wireless networks.

      What I'm after is the ability to (wirelessly) upload images to my 'phone, along with my home/work networked laptops, and to my Flickr! account

      Looking at the Eye-Fi website, it seems that the X2 Pro card fits the bill for me, as it can transfer RAW files as well as provide iPhone functionality. Online there seems to be quite a lot of negative chatter about the software, but it does all date back to the late 2010/beginning of 2011, so I was wondering whether things had improved much?
      Steve's kit - Canon 6D/EG-D/BG-E13/60D/EF-D/BG-E9/600 EX-RT/17-40L/24-105L/40/100L/70-200L/70-300/2x iii/Sigma 8-16/Yongnuo YN-568EX (x2)/YN560EX II/YN622C-TX/YN622C (x4)


        Re: Eye-Fi

        Yes the 60D is Eye-Fi connected and has options for same in the camera menu. I'm using the Eye-Fi pro 4GB which also is capable of uploading Jpeg and RAW files. Not sure about the phone setup, I use a Powershot G10 uploading to a vehicle mounted laptop and a home PC. Ive not tried the upload to accounts like Flickr as I would want to edit all photos prior to posting. The software is quite basic and clunky but has improved from the earlier versions. Also I have heard that (unconfirmed) Sandisk has bought Eye-Fi, so the software may change again. The Eye-Fi forum is quite good and covers all known issues.
        What would be ideal is for CF cards to have a WiFi function or have it as an option built into the camera. I'm sure its on the horizon. Good luck with your purchase and setup, hope it works out ok.


          Re: Eye-Fi

          It looks as though everything works reasonably well, so I think I'll take the plunge

          I did see (on Amazon) that there are Sandisk branded Eye-Fi cards as well as the originals, I'm sure that any buy-out will only be beneficial!

          Someone did make a valid point about the CF-Cards, they're usually used in pro-level cameras which almost invariably have Mg-Alloy bodies which may well adversely affect the radio connection, so maybe Eye-Fi are shying away from CF due to the problems it would entail? Having said that, I did read online that a chap had got a CF-adapter working with a SD Eye-Fi card on a 7D, so the problem isn't insurmountable!
          Steve's kit - Canon 6D/EG-D/BG-E13/60D/EF-D/BG-E9/600 EX-RT/17-40L/24-105L/40/100L/70-200L/70-300/2x iii/Sigma 8-16/Yongnuo YN-568EX (x2)/YN560EX II/YN622C-TX/YN622C (x4)


            Re: Eye-Fi

            I was just about to suggest a CF adapter as I have used one with conventional SD cards without issue. May have to get an eyefi card to try it out.


              Re: Eye-Fi

              I took the plunge and invested in an 8Gb X2 Pro Eye-Fi card, and my first thoughts are:

              The integration with my iPhone is nothing short of stunning, and worth the outlay in itself! I usually shoot RAW, but I’ve set the camera to shoot RAW + 2.5mP JPEG’s which automatically wirelessly upload to my iPhone as I shoot, allowing me to review and share the images immediately.

              I’ve also configured the Eye-Fi card to automatically download the RAW files when I get home, however the speed of downloading multiple 30Mb files can leave a lot to be desired and it’s a lot faster to go the old fashioned route and actually plug the card into the laptop! Having said that, so long as you turn the camera on, you can just leave the camera-bag near the laptop and when you come back later everything has been transferred.

              The Flickr!, Picasa etc. etc. integration is clever, I’ve set my card to upload “protected” images only, so that I can pick and choose which images I upload. Once the card detects a wireless network, it then uploads them. For anyone who likes to fettle the images before uploading them this option will be of limited value though.

              The software itself feels a little clunky, requiring you to enter numerous different Tabs to set what seems like contradictory settings in order that you configure it to your liking, and the iPhone App introduces yet another series of settings to negotiate, but overall it’s very configurable and you get to where you want to be in the end! It’s a great little gadget and I can see it staying in my camera for some time.
              Steve's kit - Canon 6D/EG-D/BG-E13/60D/EF-D/BG-E9/600 EX-RT/17-40L/24-105L/40/100L/70-200L/70-300/2x iii/Sigma 8-16/Yongnuo YN-568EX (x2)/YN560EX II/YN622C-TX/YN622C (x4)


                Re: Eye-Fi

                Very interesting and thanks for sharing.



                  Re: Eye-Fi

                  SJP, How about the Geo tagging? Did you tick the box for this option or is that not one of your requirements? As I understand it, the position of photo taken is triangulated by local WiFi points. Not tried this as yet and not sure if it will work in the middle of nowhere. More research required and still have the use of a Jobo GPS until I can figure it all out.


                    Re: Eye-Fi

                    I didn't turn Geotagging on as I read that it corrupts the existing EXIF data, and suffers from patchy coverage! I tend to take a single iPhone photo when I want to locate myself, it doesn't attach the Geotag data to the individual photos but does give me a manual location
                    Steve's kit - Canon 6D/EG-D/BG-E13/60D/EF-D/BG-E9/600 EX-RT/17-40L/24-105L/40/100L/70-200L/70-300/2x iii/Sigma 8-16/Yongnuo YN-568EX (x2)/YN560EX II/YN622C-TX/YN622C (x4)


                      Re: Eye-Fi

                      Very interesting topic. Thanks for posting.


                        Re: Eye-Fi

                        If anyone is looking to buy an eye-fi card have the Sandisk ones at a good price. Got one on order now.


                          Re: Eye-Fi

                          Originally posted by Colin View Post
                          If anyone is looking to buy an eye-fi card have the Sandisk ones at a good price. Got one on order now.
                          That's a good price! Just be wary of the card-type though, the Eye-Fi X2 Pro 8Gb I bought was a class-6 card with RAW support and iPhone integration, the genuine Eye-Fi cards have varying features according to the card purchased. I'm not sure how the Sandisc cards are configured.
                          Steve's kit - Canon 6D/EG-D/BG-E13/60D/EF-D/BG-E9/600 EX-RT/17-40L/24-105L/40/100L/70-200L/70-300/2x iii/Sigma 8-16/Yongnuo YN-568EX (x2)/YN560EX II/YN622C-TX/YN622C (x4)

