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In the wild

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    In the wild

    For my trip to Kenya later in the year I was thinking of using spot metering. Would you use spot or multi-point as a general rule or only use spot metering when shooting into the light.


    Re: In the wild

    Would you use spot or multi-point as a general rule or only use spot metering when shooting into the light
    Not sure there is a general rule Graham, horses for courses, there are so many variables.
    What exposure mode were you thinking of using spot metering in conjuction with ?



      Re: In the wild

      As Trev says it depends what you're taking! Generally though.......for landscapes normally no (unless you wish to get the exposure of one element spot on), for birds or animals then I would say possibly. For all my bird stuff that's pretty much all I use because I want the bird to be spot on. To be honest tho there is is no hard and fast rule - just pay attention to the wee histogram and you should be fine


        Re: In the wild

        Being new to the digital SLR field I guess I am not used to the thought I could take multiple exposures in the hope that one is perfect. The problem with me is I experiment with different camera settings then in general use I end up in P-program mode which I am trying to avoid. My aim is to use Aperture priority, I have seen many pictures of the African wildlife and the back lite subjects tend to stand out so that is where the thought of spot metering comes to mind to avoid over exposure.
        Or am I wrong, would the camera (50D) cope with this lighting?



          Re: In the wild

          Being new to the digital SLR field I guess I am not used to the thought I could take multiple exposures in the hope that one is perfect.
          Why not just take the same approach and use the same techniques you did with flim, in basic photography terms there is little difference, just much more convenience with dslrs.
          If you want to link to any example images, we could all discuss further.


