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Hello again! :)

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    Hello again! :)

    I hoped this place would re-appear (what happened to the old one anyway?)! Not that I was a regular on the old one or anything, but I did join another Canon forum in the mean time... it just wasn't the same

    Anyway, My name is Gayle and I am a mature student from Central Scotland. My weapon of choice is a 400d+ kit lens, canon 75-300, canon 60mm macro lens and I picked myself up a canon mr-14ex ring flash in the US of A a few weeks ago. I also have a Hoya R72 infra red filter, but I haven't yet learned the art of IR processing.

    My main interest photography-wise is macro photography, which suits my other main hobby just fine! I keep a number of tarantulas, scorpions, stick insects and praying mantids (we are down to one praying mantid but she is mated so should hopefully start laying an 'ootheca' (mantis eggsac) within the next couple of weeks) :D

    Gayle :)

    Re: Hello again! :)

    Welcome Gayle. There are a few macro enthusiasts on board, so you should fit in well. I don't know of any that have personal macro zoos like you do though. Enjoy the forum.


      Re: Hello again! :)

      Hi Gayle. Glad to hear a women say she likes spiders. Macro is a favourite of mine, but dont have enough subject matter. will have to buy some.


