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new to digital world

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    new to digital world

    HI all, I recently purchassed a Canon Rebel xs. I am new to forum and Digital photos. Want to learn tips for good photos, always looking for ways to improve any advice is welcome.

    Re: new to digital world

    My number ONE TOP TIP for all new D-SLR owners is don't run before you can walk...

    The Rebel xs is a comprehensive unit. Read the manual with your camera by your side, then read it again, and then read it again! You'll be amazed at how much additional information you will pick up each time you read it...

    Then go out & play with the kit you have first. Learn what it can do, and what it can't do before you dip into your bank account for more kit... You will quickly learn what an expensive hobby this is - as we all yearn after more & more "L" glass...

    Try & steer clear of the "green box" mode, and use the creative zone modes; Av & Tv, at least. The "green box" is a fully automatic mode and while it will get you used to using the camera, you will have no control over the various modes the camera will apply...

    Next, try & learn how to shoot using RAW. Ultimately the quicker you can get there, the better off you will be overall. RAW files will give you MUCH better image definition than an in-camera converted JPEG file will... Start by setting your camera to shoot RAW+L JPEG. That way you will get the best of both worlds...

    Happy shooting & welcome to the big wide world of Canon...
    I actively encourage constructive comment & critique of any image I post!
    Feel free to edit & re-post as you see fit - but please - tell me what you have done to 'improve' the shot!


      Re: new to digital world


      Join a good camera club, read manuals and books, take local classes in photography, experiment, find an experienced person/friend to help you initially, think before you shoot.

      That's enough.


        Re: new to digital world

        Dave's tip of the day: Camera's don't work so well in cupboards. The day you leave it at home, you'll see something that makes you say, "...oh pants, I wish I had my camera!".

        Welcome to the forum – have lots of fun taking photos and post lots, so we can see how you're doing.

